What is Doctella?
Doctella is a mobile application that enables patients to prepare for, learn about, and engage in their healthcare by linking information and customized checklists with mobile alerts. We have used the platform to create the Overactive Bladder (OAB) Electronic Pathway to help better enhance your care, treatment of symptoms, and interaction with your physician. You can access the pathway on your phone, computer or both. Ultimately, it is up to you to get the most out of the pathway. You should respond to your frequent alerts and should log in to the application at least twice a week.
How do I use the app?
- Following your office visit, you will receive a registration link delivered via text or email.
- Click on the link and create an account.
- Once you log on using your phone you can download the app from the link below. You can you both the mobile app and your computer account.

- You can also get the app by going to the app store on your smartphone and type in “Doctella” in the search window. The icon looks like this:

- Once you are using the app it will give you instructions and provide educational material.
- You can stop at any point, resume by opening the smartphone app (open the app by pressing the Doctella icon) or logging into www.doctella.com from your computer (login is located in the upper right-hand corner of the website). If you use your desktop and have been invited by your cell phone number, you will need to enter the cell number (not email) when you log in.

- Remember to check in 2x a week for updates! This helps you get the most out of the app.
How do the app and OAB pathway work?
- You will leave the office with a bag that contains some educational materials and a measuring hat for your 24-hour voiding diary. Please drop off your results at the office or bring to your next appointment.
- You will receive an email or text invitation to create an account.
- The app helps to walk you through the different treatment phases of Overactive Bladder treatment
- Education – The pathway begins with FAQ’s and my answers to them
- Step 1 (2-4 weeks) – These alerts will guide you through behavioral and lifestyle modification. You may see a physical therapist during this stage. If you still need improvement, you can request a medication through the app. This moves you to Step 2.
- Step 2 (4-8 weeks) – The app will guide you through trying medication. If the first medication does not work then you may try a second. If still not better, then you move onto Step 3 which is testing.
- Step 3 – Tests are performed and you have another office visit. After options are discussed you may decide to move to Step 4.
- Step 4 – The app provides education on the various advanced treatment options.
Patient Information security and privacy are important to us. If you have any technical issues, please call: (855) 285-0888
We look forward to helping you improve your symptoms!
The app was created to ensure that you get rapid, sustained improvement in your symptoms. It uses technology to provide you with enriched education on OAB and how you can get better. Your job is to get invested in your care. The more time you put into the app the more you will benefit. We will be following you closely as we want you to improve your symptoms. If you don’t respond to the alerts from the app then our navigator will call to check up.
You don’t need to find that text or email. Once you have created an account you can either hit the Doctella icon and open the app to get updated or you can go to www.doctella.com and log in through the link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Your phone number may be your username. If you received a text inviting you to join the pathway then you must enter your smartphone number into the login section.
Your medical information is very sensitive. Any healthcare advice or information about your care must be password protected with security similar to that in banking. More complex passwords are safer but can be forgotten. The security questions help to get you back on track quickly and securely.
The app will ask you how you are doing on a regular basis. This provides the opportunity to ask questions. Sometimes is easiest to communicate through email. This needs to be encrypted to protect your healthcare information. We suggest that you create the same username and password for this email as you do for the Doctella app so that it is easier to remember.