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Nocturia treatment begins with the management of other health conditions that may be causing nocturia.  If you have any of following conditions, see your primary care provider for treatment.

Swelling or edematous states

Increased fluid accumulation within body tissues is called “swelling” and represents an edematous state.  Typically fluid builds up in the gravity dependent portions of the body like the lower legs.  Treating the underlying causes listed below is the first step.

  • Heart disease and heart failure
  • Kidney disease and kidney failure

Non-specific treatment options include:

  • Compression stockings
  • Elevating your feet for an hour before bedtime
  • Regular exercise such as long walks will also help.


High blood sugars will cause glucose (sugar) to be excreted in your urine.  The increased glucose in your urine  “pulls” in water to the urine by osmosis leading to increased urine volumes.  Treatment will focus on diet, exercise and medication if needed.

Sleep disorders

Disrupted sleep may cause you to get up more at night to urinate.  Some patients wake up because they have to urinate while others urinate because they are awake.  Treatment of these conditions can help reduce your nocturia.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Chronic pain

Neurologic disorders

Many neurologic disorders are associated with urologic changes and bladder storage problems.  Overactive bladder symptoms including urinary urgency, frequency and nocturia occur in patients with central neurologic diseases.  These neurologic conditions are most commonly treated with medication.  Better control of your neurologic disorder can help improve your nocturia.

  • Parkinson’s, in particular, can cause OAB and can cause nocturnal polyuria directly.


Body mass index (BMI) > 30 is the definition of obesity.  Please click here to calculate your BMI.

  • Increased abdominal girth causes nocturia.  Diet and exercise with help.  Measure your waist periodically to follow your progress.


Both untreated depression and certain depression medication can cause nocturia.   Depression is associated with disturbed sleep patterns.  In addition some SSRIs may cause nocturia, speak to your provider about other medication options.


Some drugs are associated with nocturia.  These medications are listed below.

  • Diuretics or water pills.  The mechanism of action is to excrete excess fluid in the urine.  If taken twice daily you may be able to take the second dose earlier in the day in order to decrease nocturnal urination.
  • SSRIs. These drugs are commonly used to treat depression.
  • Calcium channel blockers. These drugs are used to treat hypertension.
  • Lithium. This drug is used to treat mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and can result in polyuria and polydipsia along with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
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